Match This Then
Well, now here's someone who most would think is a bit unexpected, to tell al the Left- and, more importantly, the Right-Wing 'Joooooz control the world' crackpots to, well, shut the fuck up and get real, basically.
Who is it? Nick bloody Griffin, that's who. You could've knocked me down with a feather when I read this article, where 'Nazi Nick' lays into, well, the world's neo-Nazis really. And I mean the actual, bona fide 'Joooooz caused WW2, the Holocaust never happened, lets support Iran because they might nuke the Joooooz' nutballs, whose support he freely admits that if he once had, he will now lose.
Yes, it is true that once upon a time Nasty Nick was firmly in that camp himself, a fact he pretty much admits in his article whilst trying his best to convince the world that he now rejects ideas like Jewish control of the media or the 'Holohoax' as it is known. But then if we can elevate Mahmoud Abbas, who wrote an entire book and thesis on the subject of how the Jooooooz actually worked with the Nazis to cause the Holocaust that also never really happened anyway into a 'moderate' why the hell shouldnt Griffin be entitled to 'recant'?
The article appeals to the world on a twofold basis. On a pragmatic level (which is I am sure the only one which the Left will admit is present) he argues that because there is no threat of a Jewish destruction of our societies it is lunacy to be bothered about the Great Jewish Conspiracy, and offers this gem to those nutty enough to side with Islam simply because it is inherently anti-Semitic:
"When the overwhelming majority of the instinctively patriotic people of our nations feel threatened by an alien force which is self-evidently evil by Christian and democratic secular values alike, to place oneself in the position whereby our political opponents can portray you as an enemy sympathiser, a collaborator, a traitor, is political suicide."
Extremely true.
However - and this is why I had the feather moment - having made the pragmatic, politically tactical point, he then goes on to give one of the best demolitions of the whole idea of the Great & Vast Jewish Conspiracy I have ever seen from Left or Right or even an apolitical Jewish source! In years to come people may cite lines like these as textbook rejections of the whole stupid idea:
Why are a disproportionate number of Jews involved in various movements? “So they can control both sides of the argument,” is the fallback position of the doctrinaire anti-Semites, and the fact that they can shift so quickly from ignoring inconvenient facts to incorporating them in their Grand Scheme is an indicator that we are dealing here with cultist faith rather than a rational assessment of facts. Come on, George Soros doesn’t give $15 million to a cause with which he doesn’t agree, and all those leftwing Jews running the anti-war movement aren’t really pro-war and cunningly pretending to be anti-war just to stop the tactical geniuses of the anti-Semitic American ‘right’ from building a mass support base and sweeping to power. The sad truth is that most of them have shown themselves incapable of working out how to sweep a floor, let alone how to sweep to power.
And further:
Now the same people are happily sending around the press statement from Iran’s state-run news agency, Mehr, about the Tehran Holocaust revisionist conference. “Several anti-Zionist rabbis are in Tehran to take part in the conference,” said the statement. What have we here? Good Jews? Mad Jews? Or Satanically devious bad Jews who want to take over Holocaust revisionism and use it in their plot to take over the world?
See what I mean about this conspiracy drivel driving people mad? It is one thing to have a proper history of political conspiracy, such as a history of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution, that accepts the standards of normal historical evidence. It is quite another to have a conspiracy theory that won't accept such evidence because it believes that the conspiracy is so powerful that it can fake any evidence it needs, and therefore forms an intellectual 'closed loop' from which there is no escape. Such a theory can 'prove' any possible claim and ignore any possible fact. Even if some of the facts on which it relies are true, the overall effect is therefore to take the theory out of the world of real history and to place it in the realms of pseudo-religious faith.
Well, quite. So what are we to make of this unexpected and bizarre recanting of previous conspiracy-theorism? Is it all a 'devious plot' to make the BNP seem like it has renounced all ties with 'Fascism' or 'Neo-Nazism' by denouncing Neo-Nazism's most sacred canard? This is no doubt what the Left will claim, whilst equally certainly the MSM will pretend it was never published in the first place. Well, if its all just Nasty Nick trying to pull a fast one on us all, let's see how the very people he is 'not really' attacking for their nutball beliefs have reacted.
Oh dear. If this really is all just a put up job, I don't think those bright boys and girls at Stormfront have had the memo, have they...
So here's a challenge for all those lovable 'anti-racists' like say cuddly Ken Livingstone who exclude attacks on Jews from their 'wars on racism'. Fucking well match Griffin. Go on, show us that you reject the doctrinaire anti-Semitism of both neo-Nazis and Muslims, just like he has.
Put up, or shut the fuck up about your 'anti-racist' credentials forever.